Susan Glickman
Susan Glickman is a novelist, poet, critic, and teacher. Her previous fiction includes The Violin Lover (2006), which won the Martin and Beatrice Fischer Prize in Fiction of the Canadian Jewish Book Awards. Her poetry has been published in literary journals across Canada and collected in six books, including The Smooth Yarrow (2012), Running in Prospect Cemetery: New & Selected Poems (2004), and Henry Moore's Sheep (1990). A graduate of Tufts University, she holds a masteer's degree from Oxford and a PhD from the University of Toronto. Her book of crticisim, The Picturesque & the Sublime: A Poetics of the Canadian Landscape (1998) won the Raymond Klibansky Prize and the Gabrielle Roy Prize. She lives in Toronto, where she teaches creative writing at Ryerson University and the University of Toronto and works as a freelance editor.