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Betsy Warland
Betsy Warland has published 13 books of creative nonfiction, lyric prose and poetry. A reviewer of her 2020 book of prose poems, Lost Lagoon/lost in thought, observed: “her command of art and of language is that of a virtuoso.” A second edition of her memoir Bloodroot—Tracing the Untelling of Motherloss (with a new long essay by Warland) will be released in 2021. A mainstay for authors and writers in creative writing programs, the 2nd edition (with added material) of Breathing the Page—Reading the Act of Writing, will be published by Cormorant in 2022. Former director of The Writers Studio at SFU, and of Vancouver Manuscript Intensive, Warland received the City of Vancouver Mayor’s Award for Literary Excellence in 2016.
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